In the culinary sector, extravagance, innovation, and unusualcombinations are becoming the new buzzwords of the moment. Indeed,while there is a “slice” of consumers demanding a return to origins andtraditional flavors, on the other hand, even the most star-studded chefs areaiming for originality. Culinary innovation meets gastronomic eclecticism.In this fusion that looks eagerly towards the future, one certainty remains:the relentless pursuit of quality at all costs. A quality that concerns the raw materials, but also the techniques and equipment; a quality that seekslocal sourcing, without neglecting distant influences and flavors.
In cooking, as in art, there is room for every vision. And avant-garde isone of the assets of the moment. From sustainability to gastronomic excellence, the food industry is characterized by strong dynamism, in a gastronomic melting pot capable of stimulating the senses and inspiring the future.
Sonia V. Maffizzoni – Editorial Manager